How to Install Maven in Windows

  1. First, install JDK. Click here to know how to install JDK.
  2. Then visit Maven Official Site and download
  3. Then unzip this file to any folder.
  4. Goto Control panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables. Then add M2_HOME and MAVEN_HOME. Give value of both as the path of the unzipped folder.
  5. Then update PATH variable, append %M2_HOME%\bin in Path variable, so that you can run the Maven’s command everywhere.
  6. Then test whether your maven installation is proper by typing mvn -version in command prompt. Then I got an error as shown below.
  7. To remove this error, add JAVA_HOME. Give the path of your JDK here.
  8. Then again test whether your installation is proper by typing mvn -version in command prompt. Then I got the message as shown below. Thus I have completed the maven installation successfully.